Dear Field Hockey Centre Donors,
Here is the 2023 update via the Centre’s Donor Network:
Funding Updates
In the past 3 years we have applied for several grants and funding streams for both programming and capital to support the mission of The Centre. We are happy to announce that the Nepean Nighthawks have received $112,053.80 in funding since 2020 to run multiple programs, including operations through Canada Summer Jobs and running the Stick Together Program. Displayed is a graphic showing the source of the funding and how much was received by each organization.
In 2023, we received:
- $9,845.00 from Canadian Summer Jobs for Nighthawks Operations
- $15,740.00 from Field Hockey Canada for the Stick Together Program
- $16,000.00 from Decisive company for the Stick Together Program
- $2,000.00 from the Ottawa Sport Council for the Stick Together Program
When applying for capital funding, one of the gaps The Centre has been experiencing as a relatively young organization is having a robust track record of managing major funds and projects. We have been actively working on bridging this gap by delivering consistent successful programming with funding from governments, businesses, and other NGOs. The Canada Summer Jobs program has been a steady success since 2020 and continues to be critical for program delivery.
Stick Together Program
The Stick Together Program offers FREE field hockey programming for local Indigenous youth. The goal is to provide Indigenous youth from 8-14 with barrier free access to community sport.
We were able to secure a donation from Decisive Inc. that matched Field Hockey Canada’s funding for the Stick Together Program with a contribution of $16,000 for the 2023 summer program! During the Nepean Nighthawks Junior Fest Tournament, we were able to meet the CEO and a few employees of the company and thank them for their donation, while also showing them how impactful the funding is to the community. for more info visit our page:
Redblacks Booth
Our efforts to promote our projects over the last three years have started to bring in a lot of attention and we have been granted a great opportunity for exposure at
the Redblacks game. We are going to have a booth at the entrance that could bring exposure of up to 15,000 people. At this booth we will be promoting the Field Hockey Centre efforts as well as introducing the sport of field hockey to a new audience.
We also have a reserved section for the team, family and friends. If you are
interested in supporting our sport by attending, please follow this
Unpacking Sport
In 2021, we launched a podcast-like speaker series called “Unpacking Sport,” which aims to dissect the intersections of sport, culture, and community. With the success of our previous Unpacking Sport session with host Courtney Szto, author of Changing on the Fly: Hockey Through the Voices of South Asian Canadians, we are planning two more sessions for the Unpacking Sport series, one in the fall and another in early winter. If you know of anyone who would be interested in joining our guest speaker panel and discussing topics related to the theme of sport, culture, and community, please reach out and we can connect with them!
Thank you for supporting the Project,